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Services for Solicitors & IFAs
Services for Solicitors & IFAs: Welcome

Funding reviews – Lasting Power of Attorney
If you are an attorney for a loved one, and have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) document, you may wish to have a review of their care and their funding stream, to ensure that as an attorney you are protecting their money as best you can.
Annual reviews – Deputyship and Court of Protection
If you have been granted Deputyship via the Court of Protection, you are now legally in control of that person’s money and have a duty of care to ensure that you aren’t paying over the odds for their care. Here at The Lawyer and The Nurse, we have both medics and lawyers who can do yearly reviews on the people you have Deputyship for.
There's more to come on this page, but if you're eager to find out more you can always contact us.
Services for Solicitors & IFAs: About
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